Marquis Broadcast's Medway universal media highway product now supports the Omneon MediaGrid next generation storage system.
MediaGrid is a storage system optimized for scalable, highbandwidth access to content required by media production and broadcast professionals. The system integrates with workflow and content management applications through open file protocols and APIs. Medway enables media files from multiple sources to be moved seamlessly between a variety of vendor platforms Under an existing OEM relationship between Omneon and Marquis Broadcast, Omneon currently offers Medway in its product portfolio branded as the Omneon ConformTool and promotes it longside Omneon products through its distribution channels. The completion of Medways support for MediaGrid means that Omneon is now able to extend its offering of ConformTool to existing and future MediaGrid customers.
MediaGrid is a storage system optimized for scalable, highbandwidth access to content required by media production and broadcast professionals. The system integrates with workflow and content management applications through open file protocols and APIs. Medway enables media files from multiple sources to be moved seamlessly between a variety of vendor platforms. Media is moved at full capacity network speeds and with complete reliability in any format including DV and 50-Mbps IMX.
The integration of Medway and MediaGrid further extends our range of broadcast solutions, said Jason Danielson, senior director of solution marketing for Omneon. By offering it with our Spectrum server and MediaGrid storage platforms, our customers can achieve improved efficiency in their workflows and at the same time, have the freedom to choose best of breed systems in the knowledge that they will not encounter file incompatibility problems.
As with the existing Omneon Spectrum integration, Medway allows browsing, reading and writing to MediaGrid folders while providing rewrapping of files in appropriate MXF or QuickTime preferences. This can be performed under manual control, via the API.